M17 Sealed Battery

MK premium gel sealed battery products have been the number one choice for years by the leading wheelchair and scooter manufacturers.
1 Year Warranty
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When you think quality Deep Cycle batteries, think of MK Battery. Our premium gel sealed battery products have been the number one choice for years by the leading wheelchair manufacturers. When it comes to performance and quality, the MK Gel is the standard.
- Gelled/Suspended Electrolyte No liquid of any kind; battery is completely sealed. Safe in any position.
- Maintenance Free Water is never added; low liability
- Travel & Ship Easily MK batteries are F.A.A, IATA, and UPS approved. Others may not be.
- Safety Sealed batteries have a special re-sealing vent system that prevents excessive internal pressure; thus they cannot explode under normal conditions.
Benefits of an Advanced "Gel/Sealed" Battery
Battery technology has changed tremendously in just the past few years. In fact, size-for-size, MK′s advanced gel/sealed batteries deliver more power and more consistent performance than other types and brands of mobility batteries. Better still, and contrary to popular belief, MK′s performance proven gel/sealed designs:
- Are approved for airline and public transportation.
- Do not need to be fully discharged before recharging.
- Do not develop a "memory" that limits their recharging.
- Do not need to be recharged with lower amps than wet lead/acid batteries.
- Will not automatically discharge if put on concrete.
While MK gel/sealed batteries aren′t among the lowest priced brands, like a good set of radial tires for you car, they′re designed to enhance performance and safety, last longer and, ultimately, be more cost-efficient.
Details and Specifications for the M17 Sealed Battery
Nom Capacity (AH) 5hr rate 15.3 AH
Nom Capacity (AH) 20hr rate 18 AH
Weight 13.82 lbs
Length 7.13
Width 2.99
Height 6.57
Reserve Capacity 30