Lightweight Wheelchairs

Unlike normal sized products, the lightweight wheelchair allows for easier transportation and traveling. There are several different brands and models available for purchase, such as the Cougar, the Karman, and the Excel. Scooter Direct sells all of these and even more for an affordable price. This allows for customers to continue the lifestyle that they want, whether they travel a lot or simply stay close to home.
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  • Karman Lightweight Heavy Duty Wheelchair
    Call: (800) 987-6791
    Weight Capacity Seat Depth Heaviest Part
    350 lbs 18 inch 35 lbs
    Karman Lightweight Heavy Duty Wheelchair
    • Composed of high-strength, aircraft-grade aluminum
    • High-grade flame retardant, breathable nylon upholstery
    • Adjustable Length, anti-slip footplate
    MSRP $1,648.00


    Price as configured
    Call: (800) 987-6791
    • Composed of high-strength, aircraft-grade aluminum
    • High-grade flame retardant, breathable nylon upholstery
    • Adjustable Length, anti-slip footplate
    Weight Capacity
    Seat Depth
    Heaviest Part
    350 lbs
    18 inch
    35 lbs
    Call: (800) 987-6791
    Weight Capacity Seat Depth Heaviest Part
    350 lbs 18 inch 35 lbs
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