Manufacturers Authorized Dealer

Scooter Direct is an Authorized dealer for all of the manufacturers presented on our site.

» Why Buy From an Authorized Dealer?

If you knew exactly what you needed, if you did not need any help, if products were not defective, it's possible it might not matter. Anyone can sell any product. But what happens before, during and after the sale?

  • Scooter Direct will help you choose the right product for your needs.
  • Scooter Direct will facilitate your warranty support for the product after the sale.
  • Scooter Direct will ensure you receive Brand New products that come with full warranty.
  • Scooter Direct will be your advocate for any issues that may occur.

» Manufacturers are Very Particular about Authorizing Dealers. Not everyone qualifies.

  • Amazon is not an authorized dealer.  Be careful who you purchase from online.
  • An authorized dealer can and will help if your merchandise is defective.
  • An authorized dealer is trained by the manufacturer and is knowledgeable about the products sold.
  • An authorized dealer has the full support of the manufacturer.
  • An authorized dealer is scrutinized by manufacturer prior to authorization.
  • An authorized dealer must demonstrate the ability to observe proper business practices and be financially responsible.


If you knew exactly what you needed, if you did not need any help, if products were not defective, it's possible it might not matter. Anyone can sell any product. But what happens before, during and after the sale?